Thursday, July 15, 2010

A Case of the Can't-Help-Its

I woke up at a little before 9am this morning because my room was so hot and stuffy. I never thought A/C was something I would long for in Michigan, but this morning, I wanted it! While I know it is no where near as hot here as it is at home in VA or nearly as sticky as it gets in Eastern NC, because I was not expecting to sweat in my sleep, this weather feels much worse than it actually is! It is cloudy with a chance of thunderstorms all day with a high in the upper 80s. Gross.

Enough with the complaining about the completely bearable weather! Today I am working the PM shift so I don't have to go to camp until 3. Thus creates the perfect storm for my case of the can't-help-its. Because it is already 11:30 as I write this, I do not have sufficient time to go to Cadillac and do anything productive there, nor do I feel like getting ready for work 3 and 1/2 hours early! Therefore, I am sitting on my couch, writing this, and wondering what movie I should watch on Netflix when I am done.

I have also thought about walking down to the lake to read or just hang out. However, a 16 year old Lake City High School student drowned in the lake on Tuesday and his wake is today and funeral tomorrow. It might sound strange, but I almost feel disrespectful enjoying the lake when so many people in this community will be mourning today. Although I did not know this kid at all, it feels like the entire town is grieving. It was strange driving through town the night he passed because I could just feel sadness stretched through the two blocks of "downtown". As with all tragedies, I know good will come from this but for now, Lake City is sad.

Well, now that I have sufficiently turned this stream-of-thought blog into a depressing discourse on life in a grieving small town, I will say there are a few things I am excited about today. I feel like I am finally becoming a Michigander because I have opened a new bank account and I will soon be putting a Michigan license plate on my car! Both of these things are making me feel more settled in here every day!

Time to go eat lunch and, yes, watch something on Netflix!

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